How it all began

Bill Ozuna Sr.
William ‘Bill’ Ozuna Sr, CEO. He has a background in Accounting and Third Party Collections. He was the brains behind this operation. It started as “Golf Shirt of the Month Club” and we are all very thankful that he changed the name. He deals with all the CEO stuff, client sales, and management. He’s married with 5 children, 2 daughter-in-laws, 9 grandchildren, and 10 dogs. And somehow still has time to work.
Jane Ozuna
Jane’s the real boss, we’re not crazy. Jane is the CFO and handles all the billing and bookkeeping fun. Her background is in finance since 1980. She loves golf and tries to get onto a course with Bill as often as possible. She is married with 5 children, 2 daughter-in-laws, 9 grandchildren, and 10 dogs.
James Ozuna
James Ozuna works as the COO helping out in all departments to ensure a smooth and sustainable operation. He has a background in safety and a degree in Business Management. He has one kid and 2 cats.
Bill Ozuna II
Bill is our guy in the background. He handles most of our I.T. issues and keeps up on the website. He has a background in computers with a degree in Software Development. Any web issues are directed to him, he’ll fix it, and then ask one of the other team members to respond. He lives in Puyallup, WA and has 2 amazing kids, 3 dogs, and 4 cats.
Nick D'Acre
Nick is our media and marketing guy. He has an extensive customer service background working 23 years leading several business forward. For the Tee box he will handle our social media marketing as well as maintain all social media accounts. Nick is married with 2 kids, 5 cats, and 1 dog.
“Success in this game depends less on strength of body than strength of mind and character”
-Arnold Palmer

Mission Statement
Our mission is to move golfers to the next level.
Vision Statement
We aim to continuously provide golfers with descriptions of courses around the country each month to improve their game by teaching golfers how to manage the course.

How do we Give Back
A percentage of all profits go back to community groups that focus on providing education in low income communities. We at The Tee Box strongly believe that a proper education is a fundamental right that should be equally available to all children.